Wednesday, April 30, 2008


RATS. Why do people want to be rats? Why do they even bother participating in the rat-race? Especially in a corporate rat-race?
I'm not keen on the rat-race, but I have to be here, witnessing the rats trying to prove themselves. Blurghh!

Maybe.. just maybe, the reason I have to be here is due to the following opinion or suggestion:

"You might not consider yourself an intellectual, but someone else does. They admire your thoughtful nature and will make moves today to pick your brain a bit about a problem they are trying to solve. Give them all the time you can, and invite them along if you have to run errands. You can make good use of the travel time by getting to know them better, and letting them get to know you. Get ready for an interesting conversation -- they have a lot of questions you have never considered before."

I'm no RAT. That opinion was from my Horoscope predictions for today. I'm a sucker for zodiacs - I KNOW.... (bimbo style)


ayukrukoo said...

*u made me see my horrorscope today!*

Andartu Timbuktu said...

Hehe..can I read your blog?