Sunday, April 12, 2009

Anonymous Accounts

Nope, I'm not talking about bank accounts here. I'm talking about online networking accounts; ie Friendster, Facebook etc2.

A lot of times men and women create different user accounts of Friendster and Facebook etc so that their partners won't come to know about it; so they think.

Usually used as a platform for flirting, dating or finding casual sex; all elements which leads to cheating on the other half.

If it will ruin your relationship with your loved ones,

Why do it?


Your Average Mat said...

y do it? Because anonymity is the bestest thing created along with the internet. keh keh...

Andartu Timbuktu said...

Mat, you do it too lah kan? Mcm ye je from your comment. Haih apa nak jadi ni.

the girl said...

cheap thrills. yg best yer ade je takers out there.