Thursday, February 14, 2008


Today was the end of my course on Negotiation Skills. Course felt like school, the instructor treated us like School Kids.
I hate school, but anything is better than being in THE OFFICE coz OFFICE is EVEN MORE LIKE school.

I learnt A LOT. Loads of role-playing, so I enjoyed it. Anything to do with sharpening my Performing Arts skills, I LOVE.

The instuctor was Uniquely Interesting.. I tersenyum sumbing..sheepishly smile from hearing him pronounce the word 'Sayang'.
So Indian Like that...well he is Indian..can't blame him either.So pekat la his Indian..hehe so FUNNY..

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against anything Indian coz I have it in my blood too plus I love North Indian food, I go to
Neeta's Herbal for facial and hair treatments, I use Ayurvedic and Herbal Products such as my facial wash, I have cool Indian friends,
I do threading AT an INDIAN shop in Bangsar coz it's LIMA RINGGIT SAHAJA, and the literature that I am MOST fascinated with is
The Kama Sutra, plus I witnessed the first HINDRAF gathering in KLCC area. Doesn't THAT sound Indian enough to you?

He he he.

Negotiation is a very cool topic to learn. It teaches you how to negotiate on a deal.
Lesson Learnt: NO DEAL is BETTER than a BAD DEAL..whaccha!

I DON'T UNDERSTAND. (tetibe jer)

1.He doesn't want to add me on Friendster apatah lagi Facebook.
2.He is going out with a 'friend' where he works, but he is single.
3.He sms me whenever he feels like it, usually 6am in the morning.
4.He flirts with me, whenever he feels like it, and being single, I'm stupid to allow that to happen.
5.He doesn't reply my sms, only when he wants to. Same as the calls.

and the list goes on.

An Andartu's life is full of questions..that are not being answered..well at least, NOT YET.

And life is like a famous HUGE CASINO that we go in to gamble. Our encounters are our opponents,our enemy, if we're lucky they will
be our friends but most of them are there to manipulate or take advantage of us.

The relationship with our encounters is the game, whole time we are dealing our cards.

Some are good at it than others.

I am currently playing my cards carefully with some people.

2 of them are most important to me.

But 1 is my MAJOR target. This card player has been playing cards with me since year 2001.

I am still figuring out his game.

The game has been going on for too long.

I am currently waiting for the right moment to tell him,


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